
Ichigo Ichie…

What is the meaning of “Ichigo Ichie”?

Well, ichigo ichie (一期一会) is a japanese proverb that we can translate by “One time, one meeting”. Basically, it used to mean “a meeting that only occurs once in a life time”! 

The chance of meeting people could be a special gift that might never occur in your later life, so you should treasure it!!
Each moment is unrepeatable and special…

My blog name is “ichigo and ichie” only because someone already took the name without the “and” 😦

For some people this proverb is a Haiku (俳句)… A Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry but they always forget that it’s… consist of 3 phrases… 

Why “Ichigo Ichie”?

I really find the words beautiful don’t you? Plus, I love the meaning!!

I also really love the term 一日千秋 “ichijitsu senshuu” that used to mean “one day seems like a thousand years” WONDERFUL!!

If one day I have a chance to publish my book, I think I’ll name it that way! kekekekekeke


